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In an interview with Zero Hora in 2015, Bolsonaro argued that men and women should not receive the same salaries, because women get pregnant, adding that he believes federal law mandating paid maternity leave harms work productivity.
However, Bolsonaro had already established a strong presence on social media, attracting more than 5.2 million Facebook followers and as many as one million viewers to some of his video posts.
Bolsonaro’s all-but-official championing of deforestation in the Amazon region proved to be much less broadly popular, though his reduction of the punitive powers of the country’s environmental agencies—which protected the Amazon rainforest and the interests of indigenous people who lived there—was warmly greeted by the business sectors that profited from the region’s exploitation. Bolsonaro’s government turned a blind eye to illegal logging concerns that clear-cut protected land and then burned the remaining trees to make way for cattle ranching and mining. However, in July and August 2019, when forest fires in the region were blazing at levels that had not been reached for some 10 years, there was an uproar both within Brazil and from an international community that was concerned about the impact the damaging of the rainforest would have on climate change.
In 2017, in an event at the Hebraica club in Rio de Janeiro, Bolsonaro promised to abolish all indigenous and Quilombola territories in Brazil, saying that he would not cede "a centimiter" of land to these groups. He also claimed to have visited a quilombo, a settlement formed by descendants of enslaved people, accusing Afro-Brazilians who lived there of being lazy and unproductive.
According to the biography by his son Flávio, Bolsonaro "was a candidate for councilor because it happened to be the only option he had at the moment to avoid persecution by some superiors. His entry into politics happened by chance, for his desire was to continue in his military career".[36]
Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya said Chutkan is willing to waive Trump’s appearance at the hearing so he doesn’t have to attend. The judge is expected to set a trial date then.
Este sinal por uma ‘fake news’ A decisãeste Destes parlamentares barrou a hipotese do estipular na lei o crime por "comunicação enganosa em massa", com uma pena por prisão por 1 a cinco anos e multa. O texto previa a reclusãeste, o qual admite início do cumprimento em regime fechado.
Relatório diz que jurista teria ajudado a elaborar minuta golpista entregue a Bolsonaro por ex-assessor
"Este evento mostrou de que a mensagem do Bolsonaro ainda ressoa entre muitos brasileiros, quaisquer dos quais evidentemente são a favor de qualquer tentativa por golpe qual este coloque no poder.
But those facts have not mattered much to Mr. Bolsonaro or his supporters, who have instead focused their attention on a series vlogdolisboa of anecdotal apparent abnormalities in the voting process and results, as well as many conspiracy theories.
“These un-American witch hunts will fail and President Trump will be re-elected to the White House so he can save our country from the abuse, incompetence and corruption that is running through the veins of our country at levels never seen before,” the Trump campaign said in the statement.
The Trump motorcade arrived at the hospital's ER just minutes after the former president was shot at. (Apparel by 45)
In the criminal inquiry into Mr. Trump’s hoarding of sensitive documents, the federal judge overseeing the case set a trial date for May 20, 2024. That is after the bulk of the primary contests and less than two months before the start of the Republican National Convention in July.
Generally, criminal defendants must be present in the courtroom during their trials. Not only will that force Mr. Trump to step away from the campaign trail, possibly for weeks at a time, but the judges overseeing his trials must also jostle for position in sequencing dates.